Monday 13 May 2013

Day 1

I think today was always going to be one of the hardest of the next 12 weeks. It sometimes takes more effort to start something than to finish it.

I got home late last night from Mother's Day celebrations and starting preparing my meals for the next day. But that's where I need to give my halo back - I was so "busy" preparing today's meals that we "had" to get Thai for dinner. Seriously, where's the bloody logic in that? I think I was trying to give myself one big hurrah before this began, but instead of coconut milk and lemongrass, all I tasted was guilt and regret, which only spurred me on to start today.

I got up at 6 and made my breakfast. I haven't eaten breakfast for about 25 years (I know, I know, most important meal...blah blah...put your spears away!) and I can't really stomach food before 10am ordinarily. So, I forced it down, but could only eat half of my portion. Figured it was better to stop when full, rather than force feed. I then went to a PT session at the gym before work. I confessed to my trainer that I'd eaten some cake yesterday and she punished me with mountain climbers and burpees. Just as well I didn't tell her about the whole friggin' buffet!

I never imagined myself going to the gym before work, or doing anything before work except pressing 'snooze' 46 times before dragging my sorry butt out of bed. It's been 3 weeks now and I'm already feeling a huge difference. I'm so awake and focused at work now; it's incredible. 

Lunch was delicious today. I really enjoyed it. Dinner was also good. Glad to have made extra for lunch tomorrow. 

Day 1 - Dinner

I really love how totally brainless the nutrition plans are. No thinking required. I used to dread coming home and having the same argument with my partner every damn night:
"What do you want for dinner?"
"I dunno, what do you want?"
"Well, what do you feel like?"
"I don't care, anything"
And then we will have wasted so much time we jump in the car and head to the nearest drive-thru. Shameful!

One thing I forgot to shop for was snacks. Over the last 3 weeks of pre season, I'd weaned myself off of all snacks as I no longer wanted to do the 3pm zombie walk to the vending machine at work. Must buy (healthy) snacks.

It's interesting to notice how quickly your body can get used to eating healthy. After a relatively sugar free diet over the past 3 weeks, yesterday's little sweet binge left me with the biggest sugar comedown today. Felt like a scene out of Trainspotting!!! I used to be a 1-2 can of Coke a day kind of girl. Add a chockie bar, a packet of chips, no brekkie and take out every couple of days and you don't have to ponder too long about how I got here! Baby steps...

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